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The AgInduct Yellow Card provides you with a safety induction that meets Health and Safety requirements and covers the expectations of the Australian Banana Industry. 

It is endorsed by the Australian banana industry peak body, the Australian Banana Growers' Council and supported by the Cassowary Coast Banana Growers' network, who represent most of the growers in the Tully/Innisfail district.

The AgInduct Yellow Card Safety Induction covers the following topics:

Welcome to the Australian Banana Industry

Work Health and Safety and You

Job Expectations

Incident and Hazard Reporting

Accidents and First Aid

Safety Signage

What to do in an Emergency

Personal Protective Equipment

Fire Prevention

Personal Health

Hazardous Chemicals

Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol

Workplace Harassment

Banana Production Specific Safety Issues


It should be noted that this induction is for use as an introduction to banana farm safety only – it is a preliminary communication to new workers about the importance of safety on banana farms, and should not be relied upon as a complete safety induction.  A farm-specific safety induction is required for all new workers, and safe work method statements are required for all jobs that all workers will undertake.


So, what do you need to do to complete the Yellow Card?

  1. Complete the payment using Mastercard or Visa
  2. Read the information under the different topic headings and answer the questions correctly, in order to
  3. Continue to the next topic.


When you successfully complete the course you will receive a certificate of completion and a unique registration number which you can either print out or record.

Present the Yellow Card certificate or certificate number to the banana farmer during your initial induction.

 The AgInduct Yellow Card is valid for 1 year from the date of issue and is transferable from banana farm to banana farm.

Make sure you let the office staff at your hostel know that you have completed the AgInduct Training Services On-Line Safety Induction and you have a YELLOW CARD!